The aim of this study was to compare the psychometric properties of the “Word” and “Picture” versions of the Spanish FCSRT across the same sample of mild Alzheimer disease (AD) patients and controls. Mild AD patients (N = 50, 27 CDR = 0.5; 23 CDR = 1) and controls (N = 42, CDR = 0) were assessed with an extensive clinical and neuropsychological evaluation. Psychometric characteristics for both versions of the FCSRT were compared. Free recall (FR) and total recall (TR) across both versions of the FCSRT showed areas under the curve >0.9 and did not significantly differ between them. The scores of both versions were well correlated, although the scores for the Picture version were greater than those for the Word version, particularly for the TR scores of the mild AD group. Both versions of the FCSRT showed an appropriate accuracy to distinguish mild AD patients and controls. Visual cues were easier to recall than verbal cues, especially in the memory impaired patients.